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Assay Master Sits Down with Professional Jeweller

Friday 3rd September 2021

Assay Master, Ashley Carson was delighted to be interviewed recently by Professional Jeweller, discussing the impact that the last 18 months has had on the jewellery industry and why he is so excited about the launch of our new Diamond Verification Service.

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How are Lab-Grown Diamonds Made?

Thursday 12th August 2021

Lab-created diamonds are made by replicating the processes that result in the creation of natural diamonds. Natural diamonds grow through intense heat and pressure which, over millions of years, transforms carbon atoms into beautiful and captivating gemstones we know as diamonds. Lab-created diamonds grow the same way, only through a man-made process that takes several weeks, not millions of years.

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A Call for Synthetics Transparency

Thursday 22nd July 2021

Among the challenges of assessing the lab-grown diamond market is the lack of published data on the sector. That’s largely because none of the companies operating in the space are publicly traded, which would require them to disclose metrics such as sales, profit and production.

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The British Hallmarking Council is Recruiting!

Wednesday 21st July 2021

The British Hallmarking Council is currently looking to recruit three new council members to work alongside the four UK Assay Offices and promote good relationships between the trade, consumers and the government.

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